Sunday, June 12, 2011

Adventures in Farmland...

Last weekend I was able to spend three glorious days traveling from one farm to the next with Daniel, starting in Conway, SC and ending somewhere outside of Greenville, SC. We toured eight farms total, spending around an hour and half on average at each farm. Needless to say, it was an awesome weekend full of great people, an abundance of vegetables, all kinds of animals, and beautiful places.

On Friday we visited Freewoods Farm, Thompson Farm, LW Paul Living Museum in conjunction with a Clemson program. We learned about the history around African American farmers, saw some interesting agri-tourism ideas, and got some hands-on experience at another living history farm. The LW Paul Living Museum was my favorite of the day because it included info on cane sugar, corn milling, timber sawing, tobacco cutting/stringing/curing, mule cultivation, potato storage and other fun historical building examples. I even got to try the plow behind the mule! Here are the pictures of all three:

Saturday we headed over to the Clemson Student farm, Barrioz Family Farm, and Baird Family Farm. At Clemson we were able to hear three phenomenal speakers talk about how to control pests organically including weeds, insects, and diseases. I also got to see an old friend from college which was great! Barrioz Family Farm was a nice example of a market garden that had some great terracing and a cute little tractor. Our final farm for the day was a little trickier to find and we ended up cutting through a private drive full of goats to get to our final destination (a bonus!). Baird Family Farm had a great set up that included bottom lands, a stream, forested hills, and upland fields. They let us walk in their stream, tour their fields, and feed their pig.

Sunday we headed to Bio-way farm and then onto Early Bird Worm Farm. Bio-way was utilizing some strategies in permaculture, which I cannot get enough of. He had some really neat forest plants that were edible and/or medicinal as well as mushroom logs and native flowers. Early Bird Worm Farm was hands down the best part of the tours. This farm makes its living raising and selling worms but also processes deer/chickens, raises rabbits, grows/sells vegetables, grows mushrooms, processes corn, and hosts a variety of critters including sheep, goats, chickens, turkeys, ducks, rabbits, and dogs. We ended up staying at this farm talking to the farmer until it was dark and left with our car full of farm fresh goodies.

Here are the pictures:

In the end I managed to meet a lot of great people, learned a lot of new techniques for organic growing, scored a little tan, plowed a field, saw tobacco flowers, pet a pig, ate fresh veggies, discovered jam called FROG (figs, raspberries, oranges, and ginger), bought a plant that helps toothaches, and became even more inspired to homestead.

I think this quote pretty much sums up the trip:

"Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous and they are tied to their country and wedded to its liberty and interests by the most lasting bands."

–Thomas Jefferson, Letter to John Jay (Aug. 23, 1785)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Getting adjusted.

Although I am down to just one job, I don't want anyone to worry that I will get bored or lack any kind of adventure. As usual every day is different and today was another action packed one.

I woke up early with my usual routine of dog feeding and garden maintenance... then I headed off to start the day at Joseph Fields farm playing with the goats and apprentices. After showing the apprentices about de-worming, hoof clipping, and other critter related info, I chatted with Joseph about dealing with blossom end rot and left determined to figure out if he is allowed to use Calcium Nitrate since he is certified organic.

I stopped at the Bogarden for my daily check in and somehow managed to get a $45 ticket for being half-way in a no-parking zone for less than 5 minutes. Are meter maids human or have they had their bodies snatched by aliens? They are eerily lacking compassion or hearing, even when given basil as a peace offering. Just as I am putting the ticket in my car, a neighbor drives past just to yell at me for having my truck parked in a no-parking zone. Not feeling the love on the corner of Bogard and Rutledge today... but at least the Sunflowers are looking good.

After that expensive stop-off, I made it back to the office for desk work where I cranked out emails/phone meetings and created a Lowcountry Farmers Google Group that I am excited about. I then went to a new small restaurant in Park Circle where I ate jicama for the first time (yum!) and was served a very expensive Mojito without the alcohol... the old guy serving me clearly thought I was underage but didn't have the guts to ask-awkward.

Then I came home to play with the dogs, do some dishes, and hang out session with one of my close friends. When she left, I headed out to check our the freshly cut grass and as usual ended up in the garden. I weeded and fought pests, both of which have gained significant ground recently. Between aphids, squash bugs, and squash vine borers, I am get all kinds of hands-on organic pest management experience.

To rewarded myself, I harvested peppers, cucumbers, collards, squash, beans, tomatoes, okra, and herbs for dinner. Afterward I made some herb butter to use later on and shared the recipe with my sister and mom.

Needless to say, I now spend my day doing what I love and I have time after work to spend time with the people I love, in the places I love.