Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Cultivating a hopeful future in prison.

As promised, here is a link to one of my latest articles from the Charleston City Paper's "Dirt Magazine" about my trip to a local correctional facility that has an amazing character program that incorporates a farm. I could have written an article about twice as long because their programs really are amazing and it truly opened my eyes to the issues facing prisons, their management, and those individuals that are released into society with very little opportunity for success. Since the visit, I have watched a few documentaries about prison life, the drug war, and related programs because the whole system is incredible, if not disturbing. Netflix has a few that you can watch for free if you are inspired after reading the article. I have also had the pleasure of sharing my insights with another local correctional facility in regards to actually hosting an incubator farm at their site similar to our Dirt Works Incubator Farm (see pics HERE). 

In case you miss them on the City Paper website, the pictures are below from Jonathan Boncek, the photographer and escort for the visit :-)

Partial shot of the one-acre veggie farm.


Warden Pate in the Greenhouse

The display case of homemade weapons found at prison.