Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Cultivating a hopeful future in prison.

As promised, here is a link to one of my latest articles from the Charleston City Paper's "Dirt Magazine" about my trip to a local correctional facility that has an amazing character program that incorporates a farm. I could have written an article about twice as long because their programs really are amazing and it truly opened my eyes to the issues facing prisons, their management, and those individuals that are released into society with very little opportunity for success. Since the visit, I have watched a few documentaries about prison life, the drug war, and related programs because the whole system is incredible, if not disturbing. Netflix has a few that you can watch for free if you are inspired after reading the article. I have also had the pleasure of sharing my insights with another local correctional facility in regards to actually hosting an incubator farm at their site similar to our Dirt Works Incubator Farm (see pics HERE). 

In case you miss them on the City Paper website, the pictures are below from Jonathan Boncek, the photographer and escort for the visit :-)

Partial shot of the one-acre veggie farm.


Warden Pate in the Greenhouse

The display case of homemade weapons found at prison. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dirt Works Incubator Farm

On recent visit with my Dad, we joked about my inability to post regularly to my blog. Its true, I am a terrible blogger. Although I LOVE to write, there is only so much time in the day and energy to write. I flex my creative writing muscles writing grants at work and freelance writing for local papers, leaving my desire to write on a personal level pretty low. So while my blog will most likely continue to be on the back burner, I do want to share some of the projects that I am working on. The one I am most proud of is the Dirt Works Incubator Farm on Johns Island, SC. We just finished the video of the project, so I wanted to share it with you all. We also have an awesome fly over feature produced by one of our partners that you can watch here. If after all that, you still want to here more of my voice, you can watch this video. Also check out the Instagram feed on the right side of my blog for continued photos!

There should be some of my freelance articles coming out soon- so keep an eye out :-)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Moving right along.

Moving. It is an interesting exercise in polarity; it is positive and negative, stressful and therapeutic, sends you forward and backward, and it is both an ending and a beginning. Since the age of 18, moving has been a part-time profession for me, often occurring more than once a year and often is out of necessity or for employment. I have actually moved 15 times in 12 years with my current, soon to be former house, taking the cake for longest held rental at 3 years. If you do the math that actually means that I moved 14 times in the previous 9 years which makes me judge myself a bit. Looking back at why I move, it often has more to do with school, work, or location (and sometimes involved a storage unit and a stay with parents) but I am also simply growing up and looking for different qualities in a house and neighborhood. In the last few years, the decision to move has also involved the commitment to live with my partner, in turn integrating both our possessions, pets, and lifestyles to see if we can thrive as a family. (Which, thankfully after three years, we most definitely are thriving.)

At this point, the decision to move is a culmination of frustration with our continuous struggle dealing with non-licensed yahoos, I mean contractors, sent to "fix" our failing apartment, the sale of our rental house, and the often excessive amounts of "character" found on our block. No, my dear neighbors, I am not working tirelessly all day long so I can come home and give you _____ (money, a beer, a ride, or my number) so you can leave trash in my yard and wake me up with late night shouting matches. Plus, there are only so many times you can have your truck run into by drunk drivers and stolen cars in high speed chases before you draw a line (I know, I know...I am so high maintenance). Needless to say, a line has been drawn and I am more than happy to move to greener pastures. 

Interestingly, despite the negatives, looking for good affordable housing in Charleston has revealed that we were actually quite lucky with our apartment. Not that this is a total shock considering we were thrilled to find it initially and have spent a better part of three years enjoying the apartment layout, our housemates, the general location, and the epic backyard. The pickings are pretty slim for the amount of rent we have been paying, so it became apparent that it was going to be a process. As with anything in my life, I did not let the dismal selection of housing in our price range discourage me but instead took it on as a personal challenge. If you need advice on property managers, the best neighborhoods, how to describe your dogs in non-threatening ways, or how to handle the awkwardness of being a shown rentals at the same time as two other interested people- I am your woman. (And don't worry on the last one- you don't have to cage fight, bribe with cash, or run in yelling "I'LL TAKE IT!!" before knowing what you are renting.)

After two months of hunting the proverbial housing snipe, I managed to secure a cute little rental house in an awesome neighborhood thanks to a lead from a good friend. So now we find ourselves ready to move forward and focus on a positive and exciting new adventure. The only hiccup? We have A LOT of stuff and our new place is several hundred square feet smaller. I have inherited absurd amounts of heirlooms, sentimental knick knacks, and other cool doodads. Ariel from The Little Mermaid doesn't have a dingle hopper to my collection of snarfblats. Add to that hobbies like biking, sewing, hooping, and gardening and I have myself an entire box truck full of fun stuff. Sorting through it all inevitably results in an introspective process for me- something I always enjoy. Picking through the flotsam and jetsam of my life leads me to relive experiences, remember people that have touched my life, and ultimately forces me to decide what to keep with me and what to let go of. 

After watching our friends with a tiny house reduce their possessions down to 300 items total, downsizing a few boxes and gadgets seemed like a completely manageable task. Not afraid of a little material possession cleanse, we chose to re-home many of our things through a yard-sale. With the help of Dan's wonderful mother, the support of many of our friends, and the awesome taste of our neighbors, we were able to re-distribute our things into the community.

The turkey hat and faux beard are happily living on John's Island now where thankfully I will have visitation rights. 

Pam Kelley, moving expert. Gavin and Kate, moral support.

We also had to face the reality that we could not take our two darling chickens with us to our new home, so we reached out to some of our friends to find a safe place for them to move. Thankfully, one of Dan's co-workers is quite the animal whisperer with a beautiful spread in Ravenel where they will be loved and free to roam. 

Mother Clucker with Pecan getting comfortable in her Eggloo.

Van, chicken adopter, critter whisper, and trailer lender. 

As if that was not amazing enough, Van and Kim also let us use their horse trailer to move our remaining hoard AND Van lent us his muscles for some serious heavy lifting alongside our friend John. So, roughly three months after our initial search began, one yard-sale, several horse trailer loads, and two less chickens we are in the homestretch completing our transition to a new house thanks to the love, support, and lifting of friends and family. Our lives are currently in boxes, our pets are needier that ever, we are sleeping on a futon, and we still have to sell several pieces of furniture but I am still beyond excited about our new adventure. After a walk with the dogs on the greenway, dozens of friendly "hellos", and a cocktail on my quiet front porch I had no doubt that we were definitely moving in the right direction. 

Here's to new beginnings and the interesting-life-altering-challenging-unexpected paths that take us there. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Busy Bee.

So much to do, so little time. We all experience it- the feeling that there is never enough time. We vow to "make more time" for ourselves, our families, our community. The trouble is, we inevitably become caught up in the daily routine and focus our energy on the immediate demands. As Tim Kreider with NY Times so aptly described, many of us fall into the "Busy-Trap"

As someone that loves their job, it is easy to work all the time, especially when a perceived sense of urgency exists. I often convince myself that if I just reach _____ (insert any number of goals here) that I will take a break- which of course simply results in myself constantly pushing towards new goals and deadlines. For those of us that must be "on" and social for our jobs, there is often little juice left for friends and family- something I really struggle with. 

The challenge comes in recognizing your own personal limitations, letting go of the need to be everything to everyone all the time, and knowing when and how to say "no". In a society that rewards those that push themselves to the limit, this is a challenge because you generally do not receive awards for calling your mother regularly, leaving work at 5, and making time for family dinner. This rings especially true in Charleston, a city of overachievers. I was lucky enough to be honored in two publications this spring as one of these individuals (see pictures below from Charlie Magazine and Charleston Regional Business Journal). 

Reading about my fellow awardees resulted in a odd mix of inspiration, pride, and self-depreciation. There are so many amazing people doing incredible things that it inevitably makes you feel like you should be doing more. I guess that is the curse of being an overachiever- always feeling like there is more we can achieve as individuals. The passion that I have for my job tends to absorb so much of energy that I end up reaching my work goals while those I have set in my personal life tend to be neglected. Yet, as I sat waiting to receive my award for 40 under 40, I quickly realized that this is a pattern of behavior experienced by many of my fellow diagnosed overachievers. When I teased the awardee sitting next to me at the ceremony for checking his watch, he admitted that he felt guilty for once again missing a night spent with his new baby. 

With this in mind, I propose a new set of awards. Awards that acknowledge the parts of our lives often over-looked, the unsung heroes, the people that give themselves everyday without thought of awards, paychecks, or publications. I want to win an award for the best letter writer, amazing pet owner, the most fun partner, the most generous gardener, the most often to call/email/text family member.  

Here is to winning at life.